Saturday 29 December 2007

Why Poitical stability eludes Jharkhand ?

It appeared right since the day Jharkhand was created that crying for Adivasis only would go against the cause of development. Development in any form today leads only to development on the modern lines seen in Delhi , Mumbai and other Metros. Built on modern scientific tools these developments have at their root a clear vision that can come only through sound background and quality education.

Unfortunatley, the premise that Adivasis should be given the leading role in Jharkhand undermined the above needs of the state.
Lack of education, experience of public life and a sharp division on ethnic lines of Adivasis created a situation that threatens the political stability in the foreseeble future too ,relegating a state ,rich in mineral deposits, remaining amongst the poorest states of India.

The million dollar question is what to do to have a politically stable Jharkhand. Stable , because stability only can reinfroce the thinking of development.

Suggestions that come to mind easily are breaking away from the sentiments and search a person on merit rather than on ethnic lines. People of the stature of Yashwant Sinha, the ex Finance minister of India, Subodh Kant Sahay or numerous others known for their farsightedness should be allowed to take reign of the state.

Look where the other newy created states have reached in such a short time. Chhattisgharh, Uttarakhand have created a niche for themselves by now. Considered unfit for industrialisation, Uttarakhand has attracted a great number of medicine manufacturers in the state by giving all kinds of support to flourish. Chhattisgarh though facing a bit of Naxalite problem is another good example of a developing statte where political stability seems to be a non issue.

A considerable way to solve the instability syndrome is to enlarge the size of the Legislative assembly of Jharkhand. With the present size of 42 it is easy for some disgruntled and selfseeking souls among the MLAs , mostly the free radical independents to create havoc when a party does not get majority to rule. This has been seen on more than one occassion happening in the state. 2 to 5 MLAs become all powerful and start dictating the terms to the entire state.

There could be more ways to solve the problem of political instability and it is expected that concerned persons shall come out with better ideas for it looks ridiculous that a state which should have reached the pinnacle of development is loitering at the nadir of the development table, in India !!

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Rise of Jharkhand ....via Dhoni !!!

India has lifted the T20 world championship !! Dhoni,Dhoni and Dhoni all around. The new found captain is the king of India today. All news channel are directing their energy chanting Dhoni and only Dhoni. Well, apart from the ground reality that the so called small towns are now calling the shot in India , Jharkahnd has every reason to celebrate its new found hero. As rightly said Ranchi was too much for Karachi !! The euphoria steaming out from a well deserved victory in South Africa for a nation known for its cricket craziness can well turn out to be a boon for the state of Jharkhand where those at the helms must now realise the potential of the state in many respects and start turning the tide , in favour of , otherwise a beleagured state.

Well, the Dhoni magic can do a lot for Jharkahnd. It's time the youngsters stopped looking at the leaders, whose competence is awefully low, whose committment for the state highly questionable and who by no yardstick of measurement equal to the daunting task Jharkhand is facing. It's time the state witnesses a new age leadership that does not talk of "insiders and outsiders" ,that does not play to the gallery through national day promises but the one which talks of industrial development of the state, that talks of talent rather than timidity and that which is acceptable to the mass.

Dhoni example of keeping united the national team must serve as a lesson for the leaders of the state today. What every body must know is that a leader has to deliver just as Dhoni has shown.

Jharkhand with its super rich mineral wealth , a pool of engineering talent available with government and private run organisations has all the potential to strike rich provided it learns a lesson from its own son Dhoni as to how to keep a team united in the face of stiff challenges.

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Jharkhand - a state needing sound work culture

India is celebrating 60 years of independence !! These 60 years have seen many ups and downs in its national life. However, what comes straight to mind with an open eye is the fact that the regions which are developed and relatively prosperous in India are those that have had a sound work culture earlier too.True, some have imbibed good culture and some like the west Bengal (now realising and changing positively) have learnt the hard way through a declining work culture.

Jharkhand , a nascent state , to describe its independent statehood and standing at the cross road where one road leads to prosperity while the other to a certain disaster is yet to even choose one.Remember the day it was created out of the state of Bihar.The all round jubiliation, celebrations and what not promised a bright future for it not knowing that merely getting carved out in physical terms does not delineate the cultrue which is rooted in the heart of its populace and that has taken generations to be what it is.Unfortunately, in its over zeal to be seen different from Bihar it got drifted to bad governance as poor political leadership and ever merry making IAS lobby (with the exception of a few, of course)are yet to rise to the occasion.

Sunday 24 June 2007

टेस्टिंग गूगल अद्सेंसे' display

Bihar , Jharkahnd states of india